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by Michael Brown 3 min read

By Boggsimus From Boggsimus Games

Mage Rage Review: A Deck Building Game


Recently, one of my long-time friends, who moved a city over a few years back, got a hold of me to let me know that he had teamed up with another creative personality to make a game company!

Of course, I was intrigued. I mean come on, I am like the tabletop guy around my parts! I inquired to his goals and what he'd been working on. His new company is called 2 Wolves Games and they are out to make the games they've always wanted to see out there!

After catching up on all the various life events that inevitably happen, he kindly filled me in on a card game they developed called Mage Rage, a deckbuilding game centered around two or more magi who are on the eternal quest to kill the opposition and be the very best mage they can be!

Mage Rage

So let's delve into it, shall we? Mage Rage is a deckbuilding card game, meaning the players purchase cards from a row of cards presented in the center of the table and add these cards to their decks.

Over the course of the game, their decks can be filled with many different synergistic interactions and very interesting occurrences! What adds an extra edge to Mage Rage is the portal cards that can flip from the top of the deck, causing various different interactions with the players or even the draft pool itself!

The key of the game is to be the last mage standing! This means you have to sling spells at your opponents until they are nothing but a smoldering heap in your arcane presence!

That may sound easy, but the game can take many turns with the cards that enter the card pool. Your opponents could develop a certain strategy and burn you out of the game quickly if you don't make quick decisions! Getting Into the Game What do you need to play Mage Rage? Technically, all you'll need to play is a copy of Mage Rage.

If you don't want to keep track of everyone's life totals, I suggest using some d20s and or scratch paper. And that is it! Simple and easy! In addition, you'll obviously need someone other than yourself to play. The game ranges from two to four people, so grab your friends and start slinging those spells!

Playing the Game

So, as I said before, this is a deckbuilding game. 

But unlike a lot of other deckbuilding games that take some setup, Mage Rage is pretty much ready to go right out of the box!






You deal out the Mana cards, which is what you'll purchase spells from the card pool with, shuffle the deck up, and start flipping cards into the card pool to be drafted! That is all! From there, you'll construct a deck that's power is based on your decisions and strategy with how the cards present themselves in the center!

mage rage gameplay


Mage Rage is a fast paced game which can be played in almost any setting! I recommend it to anyone who wants to play a really fun and interactive game but doesn't want to have a lot of set up and tear down time involved! And when you're done with a game, shuffle the decks back into the main deck and go again! It is as simple as that! It conveniently occupies the space between competitive and casual!

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Boggsimus of Boggsimus Games

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